Monday, March 23, 2009


So I've been in a funky mood for blogging/logging food lately. Saturday I had a fasting day for purposes of faith. I ate dinner that day, which was chicken and spinach quesadilla from El Chico's. Then on Sunday I ate a salad for lunch from Lonestar. I tried their steak and protabello mushroom half salad. It was so good and very filling. Then for dinner we went to eat at Barnhill's. I can't believe I ate that much. Two plates! Mostly cabbage, some green beans, some black eyed peas, some dressing, some broccoli cheese rice casserole, and baked chicken. Anyways, I didn't count points, or calories, I'm getting a little burned out on that whole thing. I'm just going to try and eat healthy and keep working out for awhile. And I did work out on Sunday. I worked my butt off. New weight posted. Down 1.4 pounds from last week. Wooo!