Monday, April 13, 2009

Sometimes...Ya Know

I've been doing okay with my weight loss. I'm seeing numbers lower than ever so I'm happy about that. My exercise has become way more lax which I need to get onto my self for that. I've been doing really good on the food front because in an effort to start saving more money hubby and I have decided to start carrying our own lunches to work. It's okay...sometimes I get burned out on it though. Not to mention having to cook so much. It gets boring. I've been in a weird mood lately, so I've been feeling that thing of 'why should I even care'. I still doubt myself as to why I'm doing this. I know I want a baby, but thinking about babies doesn't get me pumped up for working out. I'm just tired I guess.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wow it's been a week

Yes, it has been a week since I last posted. Things have been a little crazy around here. Works been a pain in the behind as usual, and my workouts have gotten a little more intense since I've added 20 minutes on the elliptical everyday now. So I'm trying to do 20 minutes on that which wipes me out, then I do 40-50 minutes on the bike...I usually can't make it to 50 anymore. Then I try to do weights if I'm not completely exhausted. Not to mention I've been taking on extra stuff, AND I'm sick again. Blah! But my weight is still going down. Yesterday it was at 293.9, today 295.5.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Okay if that's how you wanna play it.

So I did my measurements last night because I realized it was already the 25th. Almost everything has stayed the same. No more loss. (:-|) I guess I should be happy that I haven't put on inches. Well I did put on 1 inch on my calves, but I think that's all muscle. Does anybody have any suggestions about how to lose weight in your calves while not building man legs? My weigh in this morning was much more satisfying than previous ones. Down 1.4 pounds from yesterday. I think it had to do with my workout yesterday. I did the elliptical....for 20 minutes straight. That's my new record! After that I did the bike for 40 minutes at level 9 which is a level increased from what I'm used to. I think changing up my workout routine is really going to help me with this plateau. Plus I've been eating way more fiber. I think maybe I'll dig out my tae bo tapes and see what I can do. I would take a class at the gym but they all start after I would be done with my workout. Coming into work early and leaving early is good for working out on my own but I'm not able to do any group exercise unless I'm willing to wait 2 to 3 hours for the class. Things to ponder.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My weight keeps inching up every morning. It's very discouraging. But I'm going to get through this. I just have to tough it out. I need to change up my routine. I need to watch what I eat. I say that because last night after the gym I ask hubby, you want Chinese? Sure. Enough said. I probably ate 2000 calories for dinner alone. Le sigh. I'm tired, and it's hard.....but I know I can do this! Snap out of it woman! You've lost so much can take off all the weight! YEAH!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I've reached my first plateau in my weight loss. Hubby says it's because I'm putting on muscle and still losing weight. I think it's because I haven't been working out hard enough. According to a fitness website I was reading you need to burn 3500 calories + the amount of calories you take in daily to burn 1 pound of fat. Yesterday I did the bike for 50 minutes and burned 400 calories. Then I did weight machines which burned about 350 calories. How in the world am I going to make it to 3500 + 1500 when I can only do 750 calories at a time?! It's all right, I'll be fine. Just feeling a little discouraged is all.

I've started to add more fiber to my diet. I bought some fiber one yogurt and cereal bars from the grocery store this morning. The yogurt has 5g of fiber and the bars have 9g. That should hold me for a couple of days until I find more fiber-ish options. I've also decided to cut my caloric intake down to 1500 calories a day. At my current point value I have 39 a day, this change will cut me down to about 30 a day. Which is fine with me since I hardly ate all my points anyways. I just want to see the scale start falling instead of rising. I need a little something to rebuild my confidence.

Monday, March 23, 2009


So I've been in a funky mood for blogging/logging food lately. Saturday I had a fasting day for purposes of faith. I ate dinner that day, which was chicken and spinach quesadilla from El Chico's. Then on Sunday I ate a salad for lunch from Lonestar. I tried their steak and protabello mushroom half salad. It was so good and very filling. Then for dinner we went to eat at Barnhill's. I can't believe I ate that much. Two plates! Mostly cabbage, some green beans, some black eyed peas, some dressing, some broccoli cheese rice casserole, and baked chicken. Anyways, I didn't count points, or calories, I'm getting a little burned out on that whole thing. I'm just going to try and eat healthy and keep working out for awhile. And I did work out on Sunday. I worked my butt off. New weight posted. Down 1.4 pounds from last week. Wooo!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Blogging is getting hard

With all the financial planning I've been trying to do most of my time is devoted to researching those kind of matters instead of everything else that I'd like to do, like blog. But I'm doing all right. Yesterday was another one of those busy days at work, so I got a bit of a workout there. Then I went to the gym and exercised on the bike for 40 minutes. 312 calories burned. I wonder how long I would have to peddle to burn my daily calorie allowance. After the bike I did my oblique exercise and then I worked out my arms. I was pooped after all that. So when I got home I just heated up some leftovers for dinner.

Yesterday I ate:
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, raisin bran, and half carton of 2% milk (7.5 pts)

Mid-day that wasn't really mid snack - Yoplait light fat free strawberry yogurt (2 pts)

Lunch - Grilled Chicken Caesar salad from Mcalister's with ranch (OMG 18!!! pts)

Mid-afternoon snack - Cheddar sunchips (4 pts)

Dinner - Spaghetti Squash with meat sauce (4.6 pts)

Today I've Eaten:
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, raisin bran, Strawberry yogurt, half carton of 2% milk (9 1/2 pts)

Lunch - 11 oz. Chopped steak from Logan's, Broccoli, and 1 1/2 rolls (25 1/2)

Mid-afternoon snack - 2/3 of an order of French Fries from Podnuh's and 4 or 5 slices of brisket off my husband's plate (I don't know and I don't want to know)

Dinner - Grilled chicken tenders from Crackerbarrel, green beans, and pinto beans, and one corn bread (Ditto)