Thursday, March 26, 2009

Okay if that's how you wanna play it.

So I did my measurements last night because I realized it was already the 25th. Almost everything has stayed the same. No more loss. (:-|) I guess I should be happy that I haven't put on inches. Well I did put on 1 inch on my calves, but I think that's all muscle. Does anybody have any suggestions about how to lose weight in your calves while not building man legs? My weigh in this morning was much more satisfying than previous ones. Down 1.4 pounds from yesterday. I think it had to do with my workout yesterday. I did the elliptical....for 20 minutes straight. That's my new record! After that I did the bike for 40 minutes at level 9 which is a level increased from what I'm used to. I think changing up my workout routine is really going to help me with this plateau. Plus I've been eating way more fiber. I think maybe I'll dig out my tae bo tapes and see what I can do. I would take a class at the gym but they all start after I would be done with my workout. Coming into work early and leaving early is good for working out on my own but I'm not able to do any group exercise unless I'm willing to wait 2 to 3 hours for the class. Things to ponder.